Thank you for searching the O’Donnell Partners Inc website for foreclosure properties in a professional, convenient and up to date presentation of information and properties.
Quite simply O’Donnell Partners Inc, over the past 30 years has consistently ranked among the TOP REO Brokers in all of Northern Illinois. Led by a highly skilled, professional and successful team of Brokers; Julian Taylor, Ira Mizell, Carol Reinwald, and Maureen Taylor , who have a combined number of over 90 years of REO experience.
With 2 conveniently located offices; O’Donnell Partners Inc can handle with knowledge of market places and a product professionalism born out of years of top flight service, all your Real Estate needs; with a strong emphasis in the foreclosure/REO market place.
If you are considering this type of Real Estate purchase then it becomes critical to work with an agent who knows and understands the process and the market place you are looking in. Whether you are an owner occupant, a first time home buyer, or an investor, O’Donnell Partners Inc agents are the experienced professionals you need to handle all your Real Estate purchase desire.
Serving Cook, Northern Cook, Lake, McHenry and DuPage Counties.
Thank you again for looking up O’Donnell Partners Inc and we look forward to working with you.